Children & Youth Services

Anglicare’s KIDS – Kind Individuals Delivering Support
We provide Practical, Social and Emotional Support as well as Parenting Education and Skill Building.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, We come to you
Anglicare’s Reconnect Program
The Reconnect program uses community-based early intervention services to assist young people aged 12 to 18 years who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and their families.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
Anglicare’s Relationship Abuse of an Intimate Nature (RAIN)
Provide Advocacy, Support and Counselling to women, men and children who have been subjected to Family or Domestic Violence
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
Anglicare’s Supported Youth Program
SYP supports young people aged between 10-18 who are disengaging from education and/or are at risk of homelessness; may also have mental health, AOD issues and/or involvement in the Youth Justice system.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
Anglicare Child and Youth Mental Health Support
Early intervention support for vulnerable families with children and young people (0-18) who are showing early signs of or at risk of developing mental illness.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
Asthma Australia
Organisation Name
Most of the time we take our breathing for granted. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. But for people with asthma, the simple act of breathing can be a difficult and terrifying experience. At Asthma Australia we help people to breathe so they can live freely.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Organisation Name
uides meet Mon-Wed for girls aged 5-18 years.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, You come to us, We come to you
CHAT Centre
Organisation Name
Speech Pathology services for children.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Child Development Unit – North West
The Child Development Unit - North West provides a comprehensive free assessment and referral service for children 0 - 5 years of age who are suspected of having delays in one or more areas of their development.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, You come to us
Child Health Centre – Penguin
Providing counselling, support and health/practical parenting information for families, growth/development assessments for children and referral to other health professionals as required in consultation with the family.
How is this service delivered?
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Child Health Centre – Ulverstone
Providing counselling, support and health/practical parenting information for families, growth/development assessments for children and referral to other health professionals as required in consultation with the family.
How is this service delivered?
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Debbie’s Little Buddies
Organisation Name
Debbies Little Buddies is an Early Learning Centre for children aged 0-12.
How is this service delivered?
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State-of-the-art centre catering for children from
birth to 12 years. We provide child centred
programs based around children’s interests in
conjunction with the National Early Years
Framework, “Being, Belonging, Becoming”.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting
Individual and couples counselling. Need someone to help talk through your current issues/hurdles. Give us a call.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Family Based Care Tasmania
Organisation Name
A non-faith-based Provider of individualised support services to the aged, disabled and their carers enabling individuals to live safely and independently in their homes for longer. We always do our best to provide care that is the right fit at the right time in the right place.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, You come to us, We come to you
Forth Primary School
Organisation Name
Our school offers most of the programs offered in larger schools, whilst still retaining the ‘family atmosphere’ and the benefits of a smaller school. 
How is this service delivered?
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Hearing Australia
Organisation Name
Helping Australians rediscover the joy of sound for over 70 years
How is this service delivered?
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KiF – Kids in Focus
Organisation Name
Provides support and counselling to parents who are using alcohol or other drugs; and can also provide counselling and support for children.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
The general function of the Association is to
safeguard and encourage scouting whilst
maintaining the independence of the several scout
groups in the Leven District.
Libraries Tasmania – Penguin Library
Offering lending items, access to online information, research/information services, free access to the internet and computers and a variety of programs, services and events for adults, children and young people enabling personal learning, growth and community connections.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Organisation Name
Saving lives. Crisis support. Suicide prevention.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online
Molenda Lodge Incorporated
Organisation Name
Molenda provides activities (farm, craft, horse therapy, hospitality etc), on a 17 acre heritage property 3km from Ulverstone on the Castra Road.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
NESTS – North-West Early Start Therapeutic Support
NESTS provides early therapeutic intervention to ‘hard to engage’, ‘at risk’ families on the verge of Child Protection involvement.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
New Mornings
Organisation Name
New Mornings is a Christian Mental Health Support organisation that aims to : To prevent mental illness by equipping individuals to grow in resilience and by increasing their community connections. To encourage and equip people who support others with mental illness. To support and equip individuals with mental illness to maximise recovery and help prevent relapse.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
North & North West Sexual Assault Support Service TA Laurel House
Laurel House provides face-to-face counselling to adults and children affected by sexual assault across Northern Tasmania. We also provide a 24/7 crisis response service which can assist you with an immediate crisis as a result of a recent, or historical assault, hospital attendance or speaking with police.
How is this service delivered?
This is a social club which also does community
work. Membership is open to anyone 15-30 years
of age, rural background not necessary. Official
organisers of AGFEST field day.
Nurture Clinical Psychology
Organisation Name
Supporting children and families with emotional problems, autism and parenting
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Parenting Centre – North West
The North West Parenting Centre offers short term intensive support for families experiencing difficulties and pressures associated with parenting.
How is this service delivered?
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Parent Line
Organisation Name
The Parent Line offers twenty-four hours information and support for parents throughout Tasmania
How is this service delivered?
Penguin Football Club
Organisation Name
The Penguin Football club aims to serve our community with pride and passion
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Organisation Name
Toy hire, library, resource centre for playgroups
and play centres. Operates Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday 10.00am–2.00pm school terms only.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Progress Ahead Life Coaching
We coach children using fun, story based programs/activities to help kids develop a growth mind-set. Learning how the mind works, giving them the tools to deal with the inevitable challenges of life, develop strong self-esteem, overcoming challenges such as fear, self-doubt, making mistakes, handling peer pressure and coping with anxiety.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us, We come to you
Relationships Australia
Organisation Name
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers Counselling, Mediation, Family Dispute Resolution, Employee Assistance Program, Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network, MENS Program (Men Engaging New Strategies), Redress Support Services, Children’s Contact Services. Most services are offered via ‘phone or video call (as well as Face-to-face).

Many of the services are free of charge.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Rotaract Club of Central Coast
We are a youth organisation that provide community services locally and internationally, whilst strengthening friendships and networks.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Rural Alive & Well INC
Organisation Name
Rural Alive & Well Inc. (RAW) is a Tasmanian not-for-profit organisation helping individuals, families and the community through mental health issues with a focus on reducing the prevalence of suicide in rural communities.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, You come to us, We come to you
Performance Troupe in action at our showcase, Slipstream Circus
Organisation Name
Slipstream Circus is a non-profit Youth Circus. Slipstream conducts classes in circus skills for all ages and skill levels. We aim to foster personal development as well as cooperation and community involvement.
Circus Classes, Workshops and Performances for events and festivals.
School Programs & Social Circus to the community.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Stepping Stones provides child care for children
aged birth to 5 years. After School Care – K-6 and
Vacation Care K-6 – held at Ulverstone Primary
How is this service delivered?
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Provide community support to the Australian Navy
Cadets – TS Leven. Fundraise, sponsor the
training ship and promote the interests of the ANC
within the local community.
Organisation Name
Turners Beach Playgroup is a parent run playgroup
for 0-5 year olds and their families. Sessions run
on Friday 10.00am-12.00pm. Parents should
provide a morning tea for their children to bring to
our Play Centre. Indoor and outdoor play areas.
Our playgroup operates during the school term
only. All welcome.
Ulverstone Basketball Association
Basketball for 8 years of age through to senior ages
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Ulverstone Child Care Centre
The Centre is sponsored by the central Coast Council. It is run as a non-profit organisation to offer the community a choice of quality childcare. The Child Care Centre, the Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care programs, which operate at Penguin, East Ulverstone and Forth, are part of the Community Services Division of the Council.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Ulverstone Library
Organisation Name
Offering lending items, access to online information, research/information services, free access to the internet and computers and a variety of programs, services and events enabling personal learning, growth and community connections.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Ulverstone Neighbourhood House
UNH, works in collaboration with a variety of service providers to offer a range of community development programs and events based on the key social issues.
How is this service delivered?
Phone, Online, You come to us
Ulverstone Physiotherapy
Organisation Name
Musculoskeletal & sports physiotherapy
How is this service delivered?
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Ulverstone Softball Association
Softball, open to players six years of age, and older men and women. Games are played Saturdays, October through to March. Men's games are played Monday nights.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Warrawee Women’s Shelter
Organisation Name
Warrawee offers a twenty four hour, seven day a week crisis accomodation service. We provide a safe, secure environment for women and women with children who are escaping violence, sexual abuse and homelessness.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us
Wetaway Program
Organisation Name
Wetaway is a program offered by the Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS) to provide help for bedwetting children/ young people when they see the wetting as a problem.
How is this service delivered?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for the Central Coast

If you are in the North West and you are experiencing flu like symptoms you must quarantine and call your GP or the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.  You may need to be tested for COVID-19